The Cascade Team Real Estate has redesigned the Home Page with easier access to the most cutting edge real estate tools availiable!
Open House: Looking for open house information. Use our map search tool and see all MLS scheduled open house listings in your area. This tool will allow you to see all real estate properties adveristing for open houses. Get out and see homes for sale in your neighborhood of interest. If your looking to buy a home, you can also see property details on any of the MLS listings and use our market snapshot tool to gain valuable insight into real estate values and do your own home value analysis. Whether your looking in Seattle, Bellevue, Issaquah or Snoqualmie, you can find everything you need right here.
Home Value Analysis: With the free Home Value Analysis Market Snapshot feature from The Cascade Team you can see exactly what the Agents see: Comparable homes in your neighborhood or any neighborhood you choose, side by side comps
showing Sqft Size, Bed, Bath, Days on Market, Price and Sold Homes to Active Listings. You can even compare the final “Sold” price to the “Asking Price”. And it’s all Free!
Sold Properties: The Cascade Team provides our clients a variety of real estate tools so they can not only see active homes for sale in your neighborhood, but also homes that have sold. In today's housing market, it's not just what homes are listed for, but rather what they have sold for. That is the true measure of a home property value. Us the map search tool below to see closed home values in your neighborhood and see what houses are selling for and the number of days on market. This will help you start the process of getting some comparable homes to determine price and how long it may take to sell. Our agents are neighhorhood specialists and would be happy to assist you in this process and will provide a complimentary comparative market analysis.
Use the "SORT BY" to see sold homes within the past 7 days, or all the way back to 2006. Then you can click on the red "SOLD" sign to switch over and see active for sale properties in the same area.
School Reports: Now you can compare Schools and different Communities and towns side by side just like you do homes in a Market Analysis! Simply click on the Community Reports icon. Then just enter the zip codes you want to compare, set the default distance (2 to 10 miles) and select Schools or Community info. You can find Student Teacher ratio, compare public and private schools, and more. Under Community info view nearby amenities such as shopping, grocery, arts and entertainment, population and median income!
Thanks you for spending time at www.TheCascadeTeam.com There are many more tools availiable here for you, and more coming in the following weeks, so be sure to keep checking back!