TheCascadeTeam.com is a Full Service 1% Listing Real Estate Company like no other, because of the tools, service and savings we provide our clients.
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We understand that in today’s fast paced environment, we need to provide a high level of service, utilize technology to keep our clients up to date at all times and provide added value to both buyers and sellers in the transaction. By leveraging these technological tools, it allows our agents to focus more of their time to servicing our clients, but still provide the most comprehensive marketing program available. In the end, you get the perfect combination of online tools and personal service when buying or selling your home. info@thecascadeteam.com
From The Cascade Team website you can search every property listed in Washington State & Southern California, see complete property details including (Days on Market, Price per SQFT, City and School reports, Proximity to shopping and amenities, and get side by side comparrisons that you can print out) No other site provides as much, or gives you so complete a view into home values! In addition, you can get complete Sold data and comps for any home or area zip code using our Market Snapshot. Market SnapShot Click the Link to the Left to get a FREE Snapshot of any Home. It's a great way to know what homes are worth in todays changing market, get updated market trends, and even complete school and city data!
The Cascade Team has over 100 agents serving local areas throughout Washington State and Southern California.
With The Cascade Team you get the highest level of service, are able to keep more of your homes equity, and have a partner every step of the way through your transaction! Our total commission is 4% ( 1% Listing 3% to the Selling Office) as compared to the average 6% charged by most companies like John L Scott, Windermere, and so on.
You can also visit my website at TheCascadeTeam.com or call (800) 509-6905 to talk with someone directly.
These are very cool tools.